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K2 ケーツー HAVEN ヘブン スノボ レディース ブーツ 24.5cmcoo様 ゴルフウェアブルゾンゼクシオ CROSS ウェッジ【DW】フレックス【S】RVCA ウエットスーツ メンズ L フルスーツスコッティキャメロン スーパーセレクト ニューポート2 プラス
The SIMBA Sentinel 1 is the first helmet specifically designed for waterspouts use. The S1’s forward thinking design is close fitting to the head, lightweight, comfortable, and aerodynamic. The S1 eliminates the “bucket effect”, doesn’t hinder hearing, peripheral vision or balance while protecting the lower forehead, ears, upper jaw, and cheeks.
The SIMBA S1 offers the user safer experiences, and heightened confidence.
Wingfoil, Kiteboard, Windsurf, or Surf the SIMBA S1 is designed for you. Users experience a new level of protection, zero whiplash upon water impact / entry, and zero resistance when duck diving.
The SIMBA S1’s close fitting aerodynamic design will also give Wingfoilers, Kiteboarders, and Windsurfers an aerodynamic advantage over all other watersports helmets.